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Time Share Vacation Plans - Not for everybody
Owning a weekend home on a hill station is a dream for many. For most of us it is not a viable option if we consider the required investment and the maintenance cost attached. Time Share vacations seems to be a good alternative for people looking for such arrangement with limited investment and recurring cost. A time share membership entitles the member to use the property for a specific period of a day without paying any rent for the place. The member has to pay a fixed amount towards maintenance every year. The membership has a fixed validity which may range from 10 years to 99 years and the cost of membership will depend on the duration of the membership, no of days the member can enjoy the free stay, the type of rooms he can choose and the season in which he enjoys the free stay.
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Reviewing you Mutual Fund portfolio? Things to keep in mind before the final rejig.
Mutual Funds have become one of the preferred medium to invest in the equity markets. It is an ideal option for retail investors who need some exposure to the equity markets but either don’t have the time to manage their own portfolio of stocks, or don’t understand much about investing in equity markets. But choosing a mutual fund and issuing a cheque is not sufficient to get maximum benefit from your investments. Periodically reviewing the funds and taking remedial action wherever required is equally important.
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ULIPs High on Charges Low on Liquidity
Life Insurance in India has often being sold as an investment product that a tool to cover the risks associated to a person. Traditional policies such as Money back policies and Endowment polices focused on investment in safe avenues like bonds and debentures to generate returns to the policy holders. As there was a limitation with respect to the returns these policies could generate, new age products called ULIPs caught the frenzy among investors when these products hit the markets. It was not that these products offered great features and flexibility, but it was because that all insurance agents, banks, and Insurance companies started promoting their ULIP products like it was the answer to all the solutions. Attractive advertisement campaigns made it easy to sell these high cost products in the markets.
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FMPs – Back in the limelight
Indian Mutual Fund Industry is going through a very tough phase. Equity markets are testing the patience of the investors as the returns from the indices and most of the actively managed funds are below the returns delivered by most of the debt funds in the last 3 years. Even SIP investors are unable to see returns in their respective portfolio of Mutul Funds as the Indices are unable to break their historical highs. The major reason for the same is the sluggish growth in the economy. Other factors like falling Indian Rupee, high fiscal deficit, corruption etc. has shattered the confidence of the local and foreign investors. Equity investors were hoping to see good times as the interest rate cycle was turning downwards due to some moderation in the inflation, but the recent move by the RBI to tighten the liquidity and increase in the bank rate meant that the industry will still have to wait to reap the benefits of the lower interest rates.
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